
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Aruna Ramchandra Sunbaug-An icon of Protest,Promise and Promote.

Aruna Ramchandra Sunbaug is  no more here in this world from last day.
This lady has become an icon and turning points and the factor to protest,promise and promote of many controversial issues of today's complicated life.

[The turning point]
This sister of KEM Hospital was in coma for last 42 years. And Euthanasia was not applicable for her.
1. THE STAFFS OF KEM HOSPITAL. For last 42 years many staffs has come and retired but this Sacred oath to TAKE CARE for this ill lady they observed in such a beautiful manner that they kept her for so long times. So this is an  example of SERVICE,
How to foster the health care this might be an instance for the future nursing staffs in the world.
The way that the staffs followed for so long years is also
An example for all the Organisations for a" good" rather "great" work .
 [Turning points]
The Euthanasia is mercy killing. There was every reason to give Euthanasia for this lady as applied for her on behalf of her friend. But the Supreme Court adjourned the proposal for the request of the co workers.
  And only for this today we are seeing how long such a Comatose life can be extended. and what a highest level of determination the co worker can take. and can keep the purity for so long years.
[Protest and promise]2. The culprit was punished for only 7 years of jail sentence. But was this enough for such a brutal crime?
If we cannot punish such criminals in more painful and ruthless way the crime world will never be afraid.

If I was supposed to give the punishment, I would say to cut down his all limbs and keep him alive.
We must promise not to see such thing again.
[ An Icon]
3.42 years life in coma is also an instance for the medical student as this proves such a long life is possible in Coma.
Remaining in the Comatose stage Aruna is famous today and will remain immortal in future. This is an exceptional example also.


A non-fiction book titled Aruna's Story was written about the case by Pinki Virani in 1998. Duttakumar Desai wrote the Marathi play Katha Arunachi in 1994–95, which was performed at college level and subsequently staged by Vinay Apte in 2002.
A Gujarati fiction novel, Jad Chetan, was written by popular author Harkisan Mehta in 1985 based on Aruna Shanbaug's case.
Anumol will play Aruna in the Malayalam film Maram Peyyumbol.
The Indian poet Kumar Gautam has tried to express the thoughts of Aruna Shanbaug in her words in his poem An open letter from Aruna Shanbaug, published on his poetry blog. 

Thanks Google for Aruna's pictures.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Ganga sagar mela, Sri Sankarachariya and Sri Sacchidanandaji.

       Swami Sacchidananda Saraswati was a famous Yogi and Tantrik in Bengal. He wrote some great books. Sadhan Pradip, Puja pradip, Jnan pradip,Guru pradip, Sandhya pradip Purascharan pradip.
       All these are the treasures of Bengal and  are very helpful for  the Sadhakas[SAINTS or SONTS.].

       Previously it was published from CHUNAR ANANDA ASRAM BAGBAZAR.  Now it is no more exist.
       Now a days these are being published by NABAVARAT PUBLISHERS.KOLKATA.
       Here he wrote a fact about Sri Sankaracharya Adi.
When Sri Sankaracharya was roaming for the unification of spiritual India and revival of Sri Sanatan Dharma, once he came into this Bengal. He heard about Swami Brmhanandaji of famous GangaSagar; who was a very aged and the highest level of Koula and Tantrik Sannyasi.
       Sri Sankaracharyaji asked him for TARKA.
       [His condition was either do tarka and defeat me or be defeated and follow my path.] 
       Swami Bramhanandaji requested him for taking rest.
       After while he said to Sankaracharyaji –Baba now tell me what do you want?
       You are talking about Adwaita and you are doing Tarka, this proves- you have not attained that level. Adwita means  "Singularity" ;there is no "Two". Then with whom you are doing Tarka.
       This was the first time when sri Sankaracharya ji  impressed with that very old Yogis words.
   Sankaracharyaji asked him for some advices.
       Showing a big stone rock on  the beach of Ganga river  Sri Bramhanandaji told in smiling face - Baba this is my Moth, my Asram. I am 300 years old. I stay here all the day and night. Whole the world is Her . So where will I do the Moth ?And who will be the disciples?
    My Moth is Ananda Asram.
       Till date in GangaSagar that stone is present. This is Kopil Munis Asram.[Kopil Muni ji was the founder of Sri Sankhya Darsan. Where it is admited that all are from ONE.-HE is PURUSA. And evrything -this nature, universe,you and me and all is PROKITI, the feminine or Anandamoy[loveable] part of that Purusa.]
       We should not forget that the revival of Kumbh mela and  Ganga Sagar Mela happened after the advent of Srimat Sankarachariya.
     And Sri Sanakara realized this Ganga Sagar after this interactions between Two Great Souls.



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